"Welcome you found yourself in a peaceful place, and we wish for you blessings without number".
By way of introduction, my name is Dr. Kheftusa Akhiba Ankh Ser Au-t Ab and I am the Founder of Sa Ankh Productions. The essential aim of the platform is to reawaken and cultivate knowledge, wisdom and understanding within the minds of the global African community, which will free the captive African mind by unlocking the inner and outer African consciousness that resides in all of us. In addition, I seek to extol the following three factors that encompass our historical legacy: (i) we are the original people of planet Earth, (ii) we are the Mothers and Fathers of Civilisation, and (iii) the Heirs of the mighty Shepsu (the enlightened ancestors), who mapped and expounded on the Universal Laws of Nature that became the basis for the spiritual culture of the 'HAPI Valley civilisation', which opened the way for the creation of Ancient Khamit. To paraphrase Dr Ben Jochannan’s quotation of the people of Khamit who said, “they came from the foothills of the mountains of the moon where the Neter (God) Hapi dwells”.
As such, the origins of HAPI Valley culture sprang from the innermost depths of Africa known as Khui-Ta the Land of Spirits and the Home of the Neteru (Gods). Thus, it is our mission to rise like the transformational Bennu bird, and ascend to the heights of Ausar and the indomitable Auset, which will in turn give birth to a new chapter in African History. And thus, ‘as it has been said let it be done’, let’s remove the shackles of enslavement and eradicate centuries of oppression to fulfil the ancient prophecies encoded in the DNA of the first born of mankind. Let us pledge to restore the tri-unity that resides in the Mind, Body, and Spirit of the primal Africans in order to bring balance back into the World, through the continuous pursuit of the two roads to spiritual enlightenment through the cultivation of a Knowledge of Self and Self Knowledge.